Maryvale High School Chalk Walk

When working with the Maryvale High School students they identified some priority areas they felt their community could benefit from if those areas were given more resources. One of those priority areas was the arts. When thinking about a medium that would be fun and anyone could pick up quickly, chalk came to mind. The students then took this medium and created works of art they felt showed themes important to the community they live in.

  • Brainstorming this event started with the students’ and teachers’ feedback. Serval meetings took place to discuss what should be created if chalk was the suitable medium, and where this event could be held.

  • A proposal along with a budget was created to show other interested parties how they could become involved. This led to a huge sponsorship from The City of Phoenix. With The City of Phoenix’s help, all costs were covered so the students could focus on their creations.

  • There were serval chalk artworks made, each unique in style. The whole high school student body came and voted on what they felt was the “best one”. The winning team received an “ASU Day” which included free transportation to ASU Tempe campus, free food, a campus tour, sitting in on classes, and finally an invitation to attend a Movie on the Field night (in the ASU football stadium).

Maryvale High School Chalk Walk

Maryvale High School Chalk Walk

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